Ora, Ora

Parece que você tem um Bloqueador de Anúncios ativo, e quem não usa?

Contudo a Agatha Edu se mantém essencialmente com a renda gerada por anúncios, desativa aí rapidinho, parça. 😀

According to the first paragraph, the Amazon rainforest

Questões de Conhecimentos Gerais Unesp 2021-2

According to the first paragraph, the Amazon rainforest

  1. might eventually dry out due to climate change, deforestation and fires.
  2. has already regenerated itself since it looks green and healthy.
  3. has lost over 16 thousand tree species over last decade.
  4. appears large and resilient, so deforestation and fires will have a mild impact.
  5. has already reached a state that makes it difficult to recover from fires and deforestation.