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Parece que você tem um Bloqueador de Anúncios ativo, e quem não usa?

Contudo a Agatha Edu se mantém essencialmente com a renda gerada por anúncios, desativa aí rapidinho, parça. 😀

The chart shows details about the following excerpt from the text:

Questões de Conhecimentos Gerais Unesp 2021-2

The chart shows details about the following excerpt from the text:

  1. “In Latin America and the Caribbean animal populations fell by 94%, on average, during the period”.
  2. “In Australia koala bears have almost brought down a state government”.
  3. “Not one of the 20 targets adopted by 196 countries in a convention on biodiversity in 2010 has been met”.
  4. “A UN assessment published this week on the progress made in stemming the global loss of species”.
  5. “It is some comfort that around the world biodiversity and climate change have become big political issues”.