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Home > Banco de Questões > Unicamp 2024 - Inglês:

The benefits of computer games in education are clear

Questões de Inglês no Unicamp 2024

Leia a tira de Bill Amend para responder às questões de 27 a 29.

30. (UNESP 2024) The benefits of computer games in education are clear. They engage students, improve problem-solving skills, enhance creativity and imagination, allow for personalized learning, remote learning, learning on demand, and contacting peers around the world. With the increasing use of technology in schools, it is essential that teachers explore the potential benefits of computer games and incorporate them into their teaching methods. Doing so can create a more engaging and effective learning environment for their students.

(Ruby Butz. https://gamingrespawn.com, 23.03.2023. Adaptado.)

According to the text, one of the advantages of computer games in education is:

  1. behaviour management tools for teachers.
  2. enhancement of problem-solving skills.
  3. doubtful teaching methods.
  4. friendly learning environment.
  5. face-to-face contact among peers

Resposta: B

Resolução: De acordo com o texto, uma das vantagens de jogos de computador na educação é a resolução de problemas. (Fonte: OBJETIVO)